PAGES Pod- Volume XII: Afropessimism

PAGES TRG Season 3 Episode 7
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PAGES the Reading Group presents Volume XII: Afropessimism

What is Afropessimism? What Afropessimism books are on your to be read list (TBR)? What Afropessimism books or thinkers do you recommend?

In Black Studies in recent years, scholars like Frank Wilderson III, Jared Sexton, Fred Moten, David Marriott, and others, have been developing insights of thinkers like Frantz Fanon to make claims about ontology and Black existence and have forged a tradition of thought known as Afropessimism. This recently emerging tradition of thought, has also built on and received contributions from others such as Hortense Spillers, Saidiya Hartman, Calvin Warren, and Fred Moten.

While the genre's name may be intimidating for some, we discuss how it might be misleading--for example, it doesn't mean being a killjoy or "black sadness," but instead receives is label of pessimism through a kind of pessimism of the intellect and it's orientation(s) toward the future or 'futurity'.

In this episode, @Nannearl_  and @Urfavfilosopher chop it up about their experiences with the Afropessimism genre.  Join us as we discuss these questions and more!

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